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Resume for

18081 SE Country Club Drive, Unit 124
Tequesta, FL 33469
Phone: (561) 775-8361

Click here to Contact Dickinson Business Systems

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Employment History

Dickinson Business Systems, Inc.
President/Senior Consultant
04/1988 TO 2012

Providing Senior Level Systems Analysis, Project Management, and Computer Programming services using various languages. Represented Digital Equipment Corporation (HP) at their Customer Sites from July 1990 to Present.  Most recent contract was with Florida Heat Pump supplying COBOL and SQL programming support on Alpha platform.

CrossMatch Technologies, Inc
Implementation/Configuration Engineer
02/2002 to 10/2007

Currently covering the Help Desk during off hours, in the Customer Care Department. Primary duty is to oversee all updates to Cross Match software as required by the different States and/or receiving organizations.
Also, as needed, Install fingerprinting equipment at customer sites and train users on how to use the equipment and software.

Intraco Systems, Inc
Sr Consultant
04/1996 to 04/1997

Managed the conversion of a System for the Cement Industry running on an IBM System 36 system written in RPG to a Digital Equipment Alpha using C.

MBS, Inc.
Vice President/Sr. Consultant
01/1987 to 04/1988

Supported the software package known as MAXCIM by NCA (now ASK). Supplied Senior Level Project Management Services, Systems Analysis, and programming support. Worked primarily on the DIGITAL/VAX.

Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad
Management Information Department
Systems Designer/Project Leader
10/1967 to 01/1984

Supervised a staff of nine Programmer/Analysts, Responsible for all Accounting Systems (including Payroll, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, and Standard Cost). Also responsible other systems areas including Human Resources, and Computer Assisted Crew Dispatch.

Supplied Consulting Services to other railroads in the area of Computer Assisted Crew Dispatch. Actively participated in presenting and selling BLE software packages to other railroads.

Bendix Corporation
Jr. Accountant/Programmer
06/1966 to 10/1967

Started as a Jr. Accountant, promoted to programming group leader, supervised 4 programmers.

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University of Pittsburgh

MSIS in Information Science, 08/1981 GPA: 3.2

Parsons College

BA in Economics, 06/1966 GPA: 2.69

Northern Virginia CC

C language course, Fall 1994

Palm Beach CC, Florida

HTML Class, Winter 1999

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Florida Heat Pump
COBOL and SQL Programmer on Alpha/VAX
05/2008 to 05/2009

Provide COBOL and SQL programming support on Alpha computers running the VMS Operating System and the Reflextions Manufacturing package.

Systems Integration Analyst
08/2000 to 09/2001

Project/Contract Manager; Point Person between Clients and WIZNET's Technical Departments

WCOM / Maxim

Senior Consultant
11/1998 to 08/2000

Support users on the COMPAQ (DEC)/VAX and COMPAQ (DEC)/ALPHA platforms using Oracle7, Oracle8, Ingres, MS ACCESS, CMS, SQL (stand alone and inline code), DCL, and COBOL.

Duties include investigating problems, locating solutions, and making needed modifications.

Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC

Senior Consultant
02/1991 to 04/1996 and 04/1997 to 11/1998

Represented Digital Equipment Corp. at the Naval Research Lab; Providing Senior level Systems Analysis and Project Support in the Design and Coding of a Procurement Information System. Initially worked on a VAX but moved to the ALPHA platform. Used COBOL, DECForms, and Oracle/RDB, SQL

Business Systems, Inc.

Senior Consultant
07/1990 to 12/1990

Represented Digital Equipment Corporation at Business Systems, Inc in Greenville, SC. Designed and Coded Modifications to their Cable TV System for a Swedish Company, using COBOL, DECForms, and Oracle/RDB, SQL

IBM Corp. / Systems Integration Division

Transportation Industry Consultant
04/1989 to 06/1990

Advised IBM on new products for the Railroad and Trucking industries. Assisted in the development of new hardware products and supporting software packages.

Hospice of Martin County

Sr. Consultant
01/1989 to 01/1992

Provided Senior level Consulting Services on IBM PC's for all of their hardware and software needs, including word processing, CAREWARE and Dbase III.

GROOV-PIN Corporation

Sr Consultant
01/1988 to 1990

Installed and modified the Manufacturing Package MAXCIM. Designed, Programmed, and Installed a Sales Commission Analysis routine. Designed & Installed a Manufacturing Scheduling system using the Spreadsheet package S2020.

Digital Equipment Corporation: EBB Division

Sr. consultant

Assisted in Installing the MAXCIM Package (Accounts Payable, and General Ledger Sections). Designed and Installed A/P interface with DIGITAL's Corporate Accounting Department. Used BASIC and FMS (Forms Management System).


Sr Consultant

Designed and Installed bridge routines between MAXCIM (run on the DIGITAL/VAX using Basic) and McCormack and Dodge Package (run on the IBM mainframe using COBOL, OS, and TSO). Bridged General Ledger data from the DEC/VAX and bridged the Customer Data Base from the IBM to the DEC/VAX.

Modified the shipping/receiving program of ASK's MANMAN to eliminate un-needed data entry key strokes (run on the HP-3000 using Fortran).


Lead Consultant

Supervised a consulting team of 9, while installing a new version of MAXCIM on a DIGITAL/VAX. Designed and programmed enhancements to MAXCIM using Basic.

NJTransit - Rail Operations

Sr Transportation Consultant

Developed and defined the systems requirements for a Computer Assisted Crew Dispatching System to be run on an IBM Mainframe.

Stride Rite Corporation

Sr. Consultant

Converted Order Entry batch programs from IBM OS to IBM DOS (mainframe). Supervised Two (2) trainees. Maintained all customers Systems that ran using IBM's OS operating system. Used IBM Mainframe; DOS, OS, Condor, TSO, JCL (OS and DOS)

Calcomp Corporation

Sr. consultant

Programmed Physical Inventory Audit routines using Cobol and TSO on an IBM Mainframe.

Sanders Associates

Sr. Consultant

Developed Data Entry routines to run on the IBM mainframe using IMS/VS DB/DC, Telon, and COBOL

Boston and Maine Railroad

Sr. Consultant

Programmed routines for the Personnel Department on the IBM mainframe using DOS, Condor, PL/1, CICS, and TRIS.

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Computer Platforms:

Alpha, VAX 11/70, 11/750, 3600, 8600, PDP/11-23; HP 3000; IBM 4341, 30xx, 370/360


C, Cobol, Basic, Fortran, SQL, DECforms, FMS, DCL, JCL (OS And Dos)

Data Bases:

SQL, Oracle Developer (Forms and Reports), MS ACCESS, Oracle/Rdb, RMS, Oracle7/8, Ingres

Package Systems:

Maxcim, MANMAN, DECforms, CMS, Librarian, Condor, TSO/SPF, Script, Bookmaster, Foils5, Lotus, S2020, MMS

Business Functions:

Procurement, Accounting, Payroll, Personnel, Inventory, Order Entry, Human Resource, Crew Scheduling

Operating Systems:






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